
Carthage offers a rigorous, broad-based curriculum approved by the American Chemical Society that prepares students to be successful in competitive graduate, 医疗, and pharmacy schools and to obtain good jobs in the chemical industry. By meeting a few extra requirements, chemistry majors at Carthage can add this ACS distinction to their degree.


  • Bachelor of 艺术 in 化学
    Bachelor of Science in 化学 (degree approved by the American Chemical Society)


  • 化学

View Degree Requirements



Ready To Take the Next Step?


Earn your chemistry degree at Carthage

Students who choose to study chemistry at Carthage conduct significant research guided by faculty, have access to modern equipment and instrumentation, have the option to obtain a degree certified by the American Chemical Society, and join an active community of fellow chemists on campus.

  • Julia Radtke?s Student Profile Image

    “I liked the small class size and science programs offered at Carthage. When I was touring the school, I got to sit in on a physics class, and I liked it.”

  • Anna Polietaieva ?27

    “As a liberal arts school, Carthage highlights exploring different disciplines and connecting them. The combination of both, and of course the lake view, were the main reasons I chose Carthage.”

  • Diego Alessandro Castañeda ?25

    “The 化学 Department at Carthage is a tight-knit community; I’ve even seen some of my friends who have already graduated stay connected with us.”

Undergraduate Research for chemistry majors

Professor John Kirk teaching a class to students earning a chemistry degree. Research is built into the Carthage experience through the required senior thesis and options such as the paid Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE), leading to regional and national conference presentations. Ongoing research projects include quantifying chloride from road salting in nearby water sources, using NMR spectroscopy to study the mechanisms of oxidation reactions, and using NMR spectroscopy to explore model membranes and chiral polymers.

化学 students also have performed summer research off campus at Cornell University, the University of Minnesota, 弗吉尼亚理工大学, the Medical College of Wisconsin, and other research universities.

Research at Carthage


Active chemistry 社区

As a Carthage chemistry student, you belong to an active community of chemists. Because classes are small — averaging 17 students — students build relationships with professors and fellow chemistry majors. 参与 student organizations such as 化学 Club, Pre-Health Club, and honorary chemistry fraternity Theta Chi Delta.

机会 for chemistry students


Special Academic Programs for chemistry majors


In this dual-degree program, students spend three years at Carthage and four years at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago to earn both a bachelor’s in chemistry and a doctorate in pharmacy.

3+4 药店 Program


Aspiring healthcare professionals frequently consult with a pre-health coordinator to select courses that match their abilities and goals. Many of these students participate in a 医疗 mission trip to Nicaragua, one of the College’s most popular J-Term study tours.

Pre-Health at Carthage


In this dual-degree program, you will spend three years at Carthage and the final four to five semesters at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland or Washington University in St. 路易.

3+2 engineering program


ACS的标志: Approved 化学 Program

ACS-approved Curriculum

The Carthage chemistry curriculum is approved by the American Chemical Society, which recognizes baccalaureate chemistry programs that are rigorous and broad-based. 获得 degree certified by the ACS.



Carthage awards two full-tuition Math/Science 奖学金 each year to incoming students. These scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate ability in chemistry, 计算机科学, 数学, and other natural sciences and are renewable for four years.